Monday, December 17, 2012

Week of 12.17

Hello NSIS!!

This is our last week of school of 2012!!!  I'm sure you are super-excited to have some time off next week!!!

This week we will be selecting books, that way you have some great reading material for over break : )  Don't forget to bring your books to return and select something new!!!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of 12.10

Hello NSIS!!!

This week we are having a lesson in library!  Both 5th and 6th grade will be learning about and using different online reference sources.  Reference sources always come in handy...they are things like dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and almanacs. The more familiar you are with using theses types of sources, the more quickly you can find the information and answers you need!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of 12.3

Hello NSIS!

This week we will be selecting new books.  I hope you all had a chance to do some reading over Thanksgiving break and are ready to choose new books. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you all in class this week!